Comic Shop Spotlight: The Foundry
May 13, 2019
The Foundry is located in Paragould, Arkansas.
OWNER: Steve & Sarah Gilland
About Our Shop
Favorite Recent Comic Book: Little Bird
What recent changes have you made in the store? We opened! Our store as it stands now as a Comic and Gaming store is new as of March. Before this we owned the same store and building, but we sold locally crafted items and art. We still want to carry that forward into our new endeavor as well and encourage local artists to display in our store!
How did you choose your store name? We had a couple criteria when we were coming up with the store name. We wanted it to be vague enough that I could apply to a multitude of interests while also being applicable if you thought about it. While we were a store originally dealing with hand crafted items and we also screen-printed as well, so we felt that it was a name that would carry us through anything we really wanted to go in the future.
What superpower would you most like to have? Time manipulation. Full-time master’s student, graduate assistant, business owner of two businesses, and a dad to two kids leaves me with little time. My wife also has to deal with the day-to-day of both of our businesses and keeping our home life in order so if I could freeze time and be able to catch up occasionally it would be nice. Or better yet be able to watch more anime and play more games with my kids. That to me is worth more than any other super power.
Board and card games
The store layout
The Foundry sells homemade goods and crafts as well
New comics
Toys and games
Trade paperbacks spotlighted
The young readers section